
How to pump out oil from different assises and measure the oil production of each oil layer at the same time?

How to pump out oil from different assises and measure the oil production of each oil layer at the same time?

The oil and gas industry is one of the largest sectors in the world in terms of dollar value, generating an estimated $3.3 trillion in revenue annually. Oil is crucial to the global economic framework, […]

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How to prevent blowout during oil recovery?

How to prevent blowout during oil recovery?

A blowout is the uncontrolled release of crude oil and/or natural gas from an oil well or gas well after pressure control systems have failed. Modern wells have blowout preventers (BOP Systems) intended to prevent such an occurrence. An accidental spark during a blowout can lead to a catastrophic […]

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How does super long oil well pump protect barrel from abrasion?

How does super long oil well pump protect barrel from abrasion?

In the process of extracting oil from the stratum, mechanical equipment is used to lift the crude oil in the well to the ground, and the sucker rod pump is the main oil extraction equipment. The sucker rod pump is a special form of […]

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