Gas locking prevention oil well pump
For oil Wells with high gas-liquid ratio, the effect of gas on pump efficiency is especially obvious. Sanjack has created a Gas Locking Prevention Oil Well Pump for high-gas Wells. There are four factors that affect the pump efficiency:
- Elastic deformation of tubing and sucker rod
- The oil well contains gas and is not satisfied
- Leakage
- The compressibility of the fluid.
With anti-gas device, the pressure requirement of opening floating valve is reduced to 1/3~1/4 of original requirement, having improved the force condition of the floating valve.
So the gas locking problem can be prevented.
Light oil well with high gas cut.
Gaseous-fluid pumps are designed to increase the efficiency of pumps in high gasto-liquid ratio (GLR) wells.
The stationary portion of a gaseous-fluid pump consists of short barrels coupled with extensions to form a chamber between them.
The plunger is long enough to bridge the chamber and produce a seal during the pumping cycle.
All through the cycle, the plunger strokes completely in and out of each barrel.
During the upstroke, turbulence and low-pressure cause gas in the fluid to expand, separate and rise toward the top of the suction chamber.
The fluid in the middle chamber is pressurized after exposure to the total column of fluid in the previous pump cycle.
Gas remaining in this fluid is under pressure, and the gas-fluid ratio, by volume, is lower than that of the fluid entering the pump.
Free gas rises toward the top of the chamber as the plunger makes the downstroke.
Gas and fluid are trapped in the middle chamber as the plunger continues downward.
When fluid below the traveling valve is displaced, the valve opens, allowing gas and fluid to flow upward through the plunger.
As the plunger nears the bottom of the stroke and the chamber is opened at the top, the collected gas escapes and rises through the fluid.
When the chamber again closes on the upstroke, the chamber contains fluid that is as free of gas as possible.

Sucker rod pump plunger inspection
Proper valve spacing during operation to allow minimum clearance between the travel and standing valves maximizes the compression ratio and increases the total volume of fluid transferred on each stroke.
Gaseous-fluid pumps are primarily assembled from RH components and are offered inmechanical hold down.
Because of their oversized chambers, gaseous-fluid pumps are not recommended for wells containing large volumes of sand or solids.